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Have you been told by your physio that your ITB is too tight? 

And your glutes are weak?

Perhaps, you have been diagnosed with Patella Femoral pain syndrome? here is how we could help.

What is Patella- femoral Syndrome (PFPS) / Knee Pain?

PFPS is a painful condition affecting the knee cap. 

The pain is usually felt at the side or front of the knee. 

It is also known as “runner’s knee” or “jumper’s knee” as it is common in people who play sports or leading an active lifestyle.

It’s caused by the muscular band on the outside of your thigh being very tight, causing the knee cap to sit in an awkward position, that may rub over structures and cause pain on the activities listed below.

You’ll feel knee pain on:

  • Going down stairs

  • Walking/ running downhill

  • Standing up after sitting for long hours

  • Standing for long hours at a time.

Do you need an X- ray or Scan?

  • No!

  • Clinically, PFPS is diagnosed by your physio by taking a detailed history and doing specific clinical tests for the knee and the surrounding muscles.

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How can Physiotherapy help?

  • Your treatment would involve some manual therapy and taping techniques to get you pain free.

  • Techniques to release the tight muscles and get your knee cap gliding normally again.

  • An individualized exercise program to strengthen the weak muscles.

  • Looking at your walking/ running and feet which will help to ease the load off your knee. 

  • Your Physio will guide you through therapy and progressive exercises.

  • Teach you how to Make a spikey ball your new best friend to release the tight muscles (See our video below)

  • The overall goal is to engage the sleepy muscles and switch off the overworking muscles to get you back on track (See our video below).